Wednesday, March 03, 2010

LOST: Season 6 Episode 6 - Sundown

Hello LOSTIES!  Welcome back to another round of the greatest show on earth!  Although, I will not pretend to be confused on what is going on!   That final scene heading into the sunset was just flat out nuts!    But, I am still loving this roller coaster ride of a final season.  And for that, I dub this 6th hour of LOST Season 6 with its well deserved WOW!!  We were given lots of information and visual evidence to take sides in the Good vs. Evil battle.  I would have to say after tonight it seems pretty clear that there is a Good and an Evil (although many will still argue that this is not what the show is about).   We have been told by the powers that be to not automatically assume Jacob the White is good and Man in Black is bad based on their colors alone.   How about basing it on one of them turning Claire and Sayid into some giddy death happy servants?!   Eh, I'm getting ahead of myself.  Not all is as it seems, I'm sure.   But woa, that was some crazy stuff.   Let's rewind and get into the recap!

Sundown.  For the first 5 hours of this season, the centric episodes have "mirrored" (pun intended) the first 5 hours of season 1.  We got our mostly Jack but some others Premiere episode, we got our Kate episode next, then our Locke episode, then Jack, and then Sun......wait.   Ahh those tricky writers!  They called the episode "SUN"down but it's a Sayid episode!   Sayid's season 1 outing was the 9th episode "Solitary".  I guess they had to abandon that formula eventually with Charlie being the 7th and all.    Okay, enough math.   In Sayid's Sideways story we definitely have some interesting character crossing, some interesting differences in his life but some very clear similarities.  And one major way in which it differs from the previous episodes this season, Sayid does not end the episode with a happy ending (but he certainly is all smiles ON the island right?)   On Island, Sayid is tasked with making a choice between Team Jacob and Team Flocke.   Kate also returns into the mix and has the reunion that she truly desired.   Also starring: Miles, Ilana/Frank/Sun/Ben and THE OTHERS!!    Let's break it down!

Flash Sideways - Sayid
We open up the show with Sayid getting out of a cab in Sideways Los Angeles.  The neighborhood looks very familiar.  I'd harken back as soon as Locke's neighborhood from sideways land, and as far back as the neighborhood that we saw Locke running into Nadia while home inspecting back in Season 2's episode "Lockdown"  (hmmm... Sundown, Lockdown...Coincidence?  Probably!)    Anyway, definitely some interesting things to note here. 
  • Sayid came to Los Angeles to see Nadia, yes.  But this wasn't the first time he has seen her in awhile.  In fact, she is with his brother Omar.  (at least I think that's the name they said.  There is another Omar in this episode as well, but we'll get there)   

  • We actually did know Sayid had a brother from last season's episode "He's Our You".  We found out that Sayid's father gave him approval over Omar because he had the guts to snap a chicken's head. 
  • Omar and Nadia have 2 kids and the kids love their Uncle Sayid.   He even brought them boomerangs from Sydney. awwww   
  • Sayid is a world traveler translating contracts for an oil company.   Seems like he is making a pretty honest living.  We do learn though that he was still an interrogator in the Republican Guard and still has an internal struggle for what he has done.  
  • Sayid and Nadia still carry a flame for each other.  Sayid still carries a picture of her, which happens to be the same picture that the FBI gave him in Sydney in the original storyline.  Whether that's a coincidence or not, I don't know!   I'm guessing based on what we were told, Sayid was on business and not on a forced assignment to prevent a terrorist attack and, in turn, caused his friend to kill himself. 
  • Anyway, it appears that Sayid pushed Nadia towards his brother.  He cannot forgive himself for the things he has done in the past.  It is not mentioned whether or not Nadia was still an activist and came into contact with Military Sayid all of those years back.   Sayid says he could never be with Nadia in Sideways land, but this never stopped his determination in the Island timeline for him doing everything in his power to get to her.  (of course, with a little Shannon detour!) 
  • Omar is in over his head with the 2 dry cleaning stores and appears to owe some money to some goon (an eternal debt as he pretty much implied).   He requests Sayid to return to his old ways and put some fear into these lenders.   Sayid refuses. 
  • Omar ends up in the hospital after being attacked by said goons.  Nadia begs Sayid to not do anything and to just go back to the house and watch over the kids.   Sayid does end up listening to Sayid. 
  • Did I mention we saw Jack walk by in the hospital and appears to be the surgeon that will fix Omar. 

  • Things get much more interesting though, when Sayid gets picked up the next day at the house by the Goon Squad.   Now, maybe some were quicker than others.  But I saw this guy and started wondering "Why do I know this guy??"   I think the suit threw me off.  
  • They take him to some random kitchen where HEAD GOON #1 is making some eggs.  And he sure loves making Eggs.  And all of a sudden we're thinking "wait is this season 4 Eggtown again?"    Close enough.  Because Head Goon #1 is Sideways land is none other than Martin Keamy! 

(You gotta love to hate this guy!) 
  • I honestly never thought they would find a way to bring Keamy and his #2 Omar (ooohhhhh yeaaaaah!) back into the fold.  But this was fantastic.   It doesn't seem like Keamy is working for Widmore in this storyline.  Of course, we don't even know if Widmore was on the Island when it was submerged or what not.   Depends on when it was submerged!  
  • Keamy pretty much is looking of his money, which he claims Sayid's brother is lying about.  The debt was never settled and Keamy is owed much more.    He also claimed to have nothing to do with Omar Jarrah being in the hospital.   
  • Keamy gets distracted eating his eggs and Sayid makes a move.   He ends up grabbing Omar and Goon #3 takes out Omar (nice shooting!  Omar always dying by his own people killing him)   Sayid shoots Goon #3 and then Keamy is all alone.   It was nice to watch Keamy beg for his life and forgive the debt.  But Sayid "once a killer always a killer" Jarrah does not give in.  He shoots Martin Keamy and the dude hits the ground.  

  • Now, all logic would suggest that this is the end of Sideways Keamy.  But if our Island storyline has taught us anything, he may pop up to cause Sayid a little more of a problem before actually dying.   The reason I think this is because I do not think we have seen the end of this story.  Why, do you ask? 

  • Because there was a knock on what I think was the freezer door.  And when Sayid opened it up, it was none other than Jin who speaks "NO ENGLISH!!"  

  • Hmmm, so what was Jin doing in there?  Here's a crazy idea, Jin was supposed to be bringing that watch to someone in both storylines.  What if Keamy was always the guy that this watch was going to?  I am guessing whenever we get Jin's sideways story we will fill in these details and possibly continue this storyline where Sayid opens the door.   And wouldn't it be great if Keamy tries to catch them off guard and Jin gives him a kung fu kick to the head?    Stay tuned folks! 
Interesting thing to note, I do not think we saw Sayid looking in any mirrors in this sideways storyline.  There were no deja vu moments, just character crossings and the tale of a man who pretty much resorts to killing in both timelines.   Does this make Sayid an unredeemable person?  A person with true evil in him?   I would like to think not, but who knows!?   In this case, he was defending his family.  And on the Island or off Island working for Ben, he was defending his friends.   So, to be continued on this one!

Note: A commenter noted that we did see Sayid's reflection in Nadia's door.  I checked and verified. Could be intentional!

The Island
The last we left the "claimed" Sayid on the Island, he was questioning Jack on why people were staring at him so strangely.  Jack explained that Dogen wanted him dead and even mentioned that this all happened to someone else (we can assume he said it was Claire off camera).  Well, some point after Hurley and Jack got on their way, Sayid decided it was time to get some answers for himself.   He brings himself to Dogen's "office".
Sayid confronts Dogen
  • Sayid barges in demanding answers from Dogen.   He wants to know why he was hooked up the machine and got stuck with needles.  Someone on the blog called this last week when Claire was talking about being stuck with needles that she was referring to this machine.  Kudos!    
  • Dogen talks about there being a scale for every man for Good vs. Evil.  This machine tells them how the scale is balanced.  Sayid's scale tipped the wrong way.  I would say that Dogen was intentionally being vague here if he didn't refer to Smokey as "Evil Incarnate" later!   But, do we really accept that this machine can ACTUALLY tell if a person is good or evil?   Reminds me of Jack's awesome comment in season 2.  "The last time I saw a computer that was going to save the world, it didn't look that!"   And that green screen computer saving the world actually seems a little more plausible than a GOOD/EVIL detector.  Sounds like something out of a Crackerjack box!  But, let's just go with it!   Dogen confirms that he thinks it would be best if Sayid was dead.
  • Sayid tells Dogen that he is a good man, which we argued above is somewhat true.  He seems to always have people's best interest in mind even though he goes about it the right way.   But we also know about the "darkness" growing inside of him due to this crazy claimed status.   Anyway, Dogen wastes no more time talking.  He decides to start the fight of the century.  Samuri Dogen vs. Iraqi Military Breakdancing Neck twister Sayid!   I could give a play by play on the fight or I could just show some pictures.  Both guys had the upper hand at some point in the fight, but Dogen had the advantage at the end.  

Choke Move

Rockette's Audition

Frisbee Toss

Caveman Club

Dogen in slow motion "Noooooooooo!" 

Sharp Thing to Sayid's Neck, but sees Baseball on the ground
  • And just like that, Dogen just tells Sayid to leave and never come back.  The baseball definitely has some significance to his past Island life, and we find out a lot more later.  
  • On Sayid's way out of the Temple he runs into Miles.  He tells Miles that he has been banished and that he is apparently evil.  He doesn't understand it since they were the ones that saved him in the first place.  Miles told Sayid that the OTHERS tried to save him but didn't.  He was dead for like 2 hours.  (this is the first time we got a time period)  He says that they were just as shocked as everyone else when he sat up.  "Whatever brought you wasn't them"   Ugh, this still drives me crazy.  Dead is Dead on LOST.  What is going on with him!?  
Claire's Arrival
Meanwhile, right outside the temple, Flocke and Claire stand by the great circle of ASH.   Flocke has tasked Claire with an important mission.  

  • Claire doesn't understand why she has to go into the Temple.  She says that he could send Sawyer or Jin.  Uh oh, does that mean Jin has been claimed too?   And does that mean both Jin and Sawyer have turned into possessed creatures of the smoke as well?   Claire also suggests that Flocke could do it himself.  But MIB says he wouldn't be asking Claire if he could do it himself.   That crazy ash!  
  • Claire says that if she goes in there she wants Flocke to keep his promise.  She wants her son back.  Flocke claims to always do what he says.   Well he also told Sun that he was going to help her find Jin, but then he just went right along with his agenda to kill Jacob!   Just sayin...Flocke is not always a man of his word.  But it is good to note that Claire has motivation to be doing what she is doing for Flocke, more than just her being "CLAIMED" or possessed or what not.   
  • Claire, almost with a conscience, asks if Flocke is going to hurt the people in the temple.  And he responds with "Only the ones that won't listen"...yikes  Claire heads in.
  • Claire enters the courtyard with her arms in the air.   Lennon tells them not to shoot.   She tells Dogen that "he" wants to see him.  Dogen starts his Japanese talk again and Claire demands English.   Dogen says he's no fool and that if he steps outside of the Temple grounds ol' Smokey will kill him.  Claire suggests sending someone he won't kill.  Sounds like a mission for this week's centric character! 
  • Dogen instructs Lennon to put Claire in the hole (which we find out is a very literal order) and to bring Shephard and Reyes to his room immediately.  Lennon mentions to Dogen that he can't find them.  Dogen instructs to look harder!   Naturally, we know that Jack and Hurley were escorted as far away as possible from the Temple by Jacob to avoid the wrath of Smokey.  
Dogen's mission for Sayid
After Claire is taken away, Dogen approaches Sayid and tells him to come with.  Things have changed since Sayid was banished. 
  • Sayid wants to know why Claire was here and what she was talking about.  And thus we get some information on the Smoke monster.
  • Dogen refers to Claire as a confused girl "under the influence" of an angry man.   For years, the man has been trapped.  But now that Jacob is gone, he is free.  The man will not stop until he has destroyed every living thing on this Island.  He is Evil Incarnate.    So this gets into the whole idea of Smokey being stuck in this role of "security system" working for Jacob.   And the questions come back up to who really is the EVIL one.  Jacob the master manipulator or MIB the master manipulator?  hmmmm  
  • As Dogen is talking he unveils a weapon.   He wants Sayid to kill smokey.  We become under the impression that this knife is the one true weapon that can kill him.  Dogen brings up that he will come to Sayid as someone he knew who has already died.  But the most fun wrinkle of all that will have everyone speculating is that Dogen told him to not let the man speak or it will be too late.  Sayid needs to plunge the dagger deep into his chest. 

  • Sayid questions why he would do anything for Dogen.   Dogen responds to Sayid by telling him to prove that there is still good in his soul.    Sounds like an honest statement.   Then again, he also told Jack to REDEEM himself by trying to get him to give Sayid poison.  
Kate returns
  • On Sayid's way out to carry out his mission, he runs into Kate who is heading back to the Temple.   Sayid is confused and heads out informing Kate to ask Miles what is going on.  
  • Okay, so I gotta ask.  I thought Kate was going to wander around the Island until she finds Claire? granted, Claire IS at the Temple, but Kate doesn't know that!   She told Jack and Hurley she is not going back to the Temple, and Kate clearly was surprised when Miles tells her that Claire is there. So, I am guessing we won't see what Kate has been up to, so are we just to assume that she gave up?   And if she gave up, why wouldn't she try to find Jack and Hurley instead of going back to the company of Dogen, resurrected Sayid and Miles?   Oh well, even on the greatest show in existence, there tends to be some "writing conveniences" from time to time (or all of the time!) 
  • Kate enters the Temple and goes to talk to Miles.  Because Miles and Kate are such friends (sarcasm) there is a cheesy greeting on both ends.  Miles: WOW   Kate: Good to see you too  Miles!    Remember when these 2 met and Miles wanted to kill her thinking that she killed Naomi?  My how far we have come!  Granted Kate also got Miles access to Ben so he could demand his $3.2 Million.  Something tells me Miles won't ever be seeing that money!    Okay, back to this episode.
  • Miles asked Kate if Sawyer kicked her out.  He said he was going to go after him too but just figured that he would get berated until he left.  He assumes the same thing happened to Kate, to which she "pretty much" agrees. 
  • Miles also tells Kate that the australian chick is back.  She strolled in acting all weird.  "Still hot though"...  Okay, while it seems like a throw-away hysterical line, maybe it holds some significance?   We have been speculating since season 4 that Miles possibly was sensing something off about Claire after she was caught in the Explosion at OTHERSVILLE.  He kept staring at her and Sawyer issued the restraining order.  Maybe, he truly did just think Claire was hot and was interested in her?   It just happened to be in the same episode that he tells Sayid he was certifiably dead and sat back up 2 hours later.  Of course, it doesn't explain why he was staring at Sayid weirdly during the "death phase" and told Hurley that his look was "nothing."    Not sure why I even try to crack these codes!  I really do just like enjoying the ride! 
  • Kate finds Lennon and demands to know where Claire is.   Lennon is concerned to find out where Ford and Kwon are.   But Kate gets her way by pushing him against a wall.    
  • Just like I mentioned earlier, Claire definitely was put in a hole.   Naturally, this is not the Kate/Claire reunion that we expected back in season 5 when we speculated it happening.

  • Claire is singing her favorite song "Catch a Falling Star and Put it in your Pocket".  It was the song that she wanted the prospective Australian adopting parents to sing.  It was the song that the oceanic airplane mobile played in the medical hatch nursery that was built for Aaron.  And of course, it was the song that Kate was singing to Aaron when she brought him to Cassidy's house off-Island.   Of course, this version of the song is the creepiest we have heard yet.  
  • Long story short, Claire tells Kate that the Others have her baby.  And Kate tells her the whole story of how they couldn't find her and that she took the baby and raised him.  And that he's so beautiful.  But let's keep in mind what Claire said to Jin 2 episodes ago.  If Kate did take Aaron, she would kill her.   So you tell me, what does this look say to you?
  • Kate told Claire that she came back to rescue Claire so that she and Aaron could be together again.  Claire smiles and tells Kate that she's not the one that needs to be rescued and that HE is coming and they can't stop him!   Yikes
  • Kate's time was up and Lennon takes her away.   I'm an optimist at times.  This can't be how Claire ends up right?  Possessed by Smokey?   Granted, we don't know where this Island story is going and its relation to the Sideways story, but surely there has to be a way to get the Claire back to sanity.  But like I already said, let's just enjoy the ride on this one! 

Sayid confronts Flocke
In the jungle, Sayid becomes surrounded by wind and the familiar noises of Smokey.  And then, John Locke shows up, a man Sayid knows who has died.  

  • Flocke says "Hello Sayid" and then Sayid takes the dagger and plunges it right into Flocke's chest.  

  • He pulls the dagger out and says "Now why did you go and do that?" just like the gun the weapons have no effect on Smokey's human form.    Now, what I suggested earlier about people speculating would be the fact that Dogen said "Don't let him speak."   This could be too literal, but he did say "Hello Sayid."   I don't know why Locke literally speaking words would prevent the monster from being destroyed.  So I am going to take it as Sayid interpreted it "Don't let him talk to you and sway you to his side"  which definitely happens next. 
  • First Flocke gives Sayid the knife back "Take it I won't bite."  Sayid wants to know what this person is.  Flocke being a little annoyed at being stabbed knows that Sayid already knows something.  Sayid brings up the whole Evil Incarnate thing.  Flocke feels sorry for Sayid and tells him that Dogen knew there was no chance of him actually succeeding.  He suggests that Dogen was hoping Flocke would kill Sayid.  He also asks Sayid if this wasn't the first time he tried to get someone else to do it for him.  We recall Jack and the Poison Pill.  Sayid tells Flocke that it is not the first time.  "Shame on you for being talked into it so easily."   
  • Sayid clearly knows Flocke wants something since he's not dead.  Flocke wants him to deliver a message and thinks it would mean a lot more coming from him than Claire.  
  • Then we get into the Magic Box talk again.  Flocke promises Sayid he can have anything he has ever wanted anything in the entire world.  Sayid said that all he ever has wanted died in his arms.  Remember, we saw Nadia die last season and Jacob was right there asking Sayid for directions.  Perhaps he somehow caused the event to lead Sayid back to the Island?   Anyway, Flocke suggests that even if it seems impossible that he'd ever see her again "what if you could?"   Remember the White Rabbit episode when Jack and Locke had the heart to heart and Jack suggested chasing the ghost of his father is impossible.  Locke said "even if it is impossible, let's say here it is"  (Not verbatim but the same concept is at play here)    
  • There are definitely themes here of making a deal with the devil and all of that.  But the other thing  that came to my mind was the SIDEWAYS timeline being at play.   Is that MIB's goal?  To get off of the Island as if none of this ever happened?   Would he go back to the year and time that he is from with no memory of being on the Island (except for the occasional deja vu?)    Is Flocke just promising Sayid the world to get him to do his bidding?   To make that darkness grown inside him at an accelerated pace?   I can speculate forever, but whatever it is, it worked.  Because the next thing we see is Sayid returning and delivering the message!

Sayid Delivers a Message
Back at the Temple, it is raining and Dogen is staring at the entrance to the grounds.  

  • Sidetrack for a second.  We know there was always an emphasis in season 1 and here and there in later seasons of Locke predicting when the rain would come and go and the fact that the Island storms happen so suddenly (Charlie talking about the Day turning into Night, end of the world type stuff).  I won't discuss for long, but is it a coincidence that it is raining right after Sayid meets with Flocke?    And then you could suggest that Locke was able to predict the rain after he initially came in contact with Smokey in season 1.    It's a stretch I know, and it may have just been raining that day when shooting in Hawaii!   But, I felt it worth bringing up and you know what?  It's my blog so I did!  
  • Anyway, Sayid returns and walks right past Dogen.  He talks to all of the others.  "There is a man in the jungle about a mile south of us by the outer wall.  He sent me back here to give you a message.  He wants you to know that Jacob is dead.  And because he is gone none of you have to stay here anymore.  You're free.  The man that I met is leaving the Island forever and those of you who want to go with him should leave the temple to join him.  You have until sundown to decide."   Cindy asks "What happens at Sundown if we stay?"   Sayid:  "You die."  Dum dum dummmmmmmmmm

  • So, it doesn't sound like such a bad deal, right?  The Man in Black is offering everyone a ticket off of the Island.  He suggests that Jacob has been keeping them all on the Island.  Remember when Ben mentioned to Locke in season 3 that he had to convince everyone to stay on the Island and not everyone wanted to?    On the other hand, he also delivered an ultimatum of killing anyone that decided to stay.  Why would he care if he's free and just plans on leaving anyway?  Does everyone need to be dead for him to leave the Island?  (I've seen that crazy theory out there)   Is going home truly the Man in Black's goal?  It's all still unclear and by the end of this episode it would still seem like we should be siding with Jacob.  But the 2 things offered in support of Man in Black is that Jacob is forcing everyone to stay on the Island and that MIB is offering Sayid (and possibly everyone) a chance at getting whatever they wanted in life.   Interesting...
  • Pandemonium ensues.  Lennon tries to keep the peace.  He suggests that as long as they stay in the Temple he can't touch them.  Cindy is leaving to follow Flocke (I am assuming the kids go with her).  She says the can't chance being killed.   Sayid told Lennon that he was asked to deliver a message and now it's up to everyone to decide what to do.  Lennon keeps screaming it is a bluff and that Smokey cannot come in (to which we get more on a little later).
  • Miles is confused to what is going on and asks Sayid if they're leaving.  Sayid says that he still needs to return his knife and he sort of has an evil look in his eye. 

Discussion at the Spring
We next see Dogen at the spring holding his baseball.  Sayid meets him there. 

  • Dogen assumes Sayid let Flocke talk to him.   Sayid says, first he stabbed him, then he let him speak.  He tells Dogen this is twice he tried to have someone else kill him.  He asks why Dogen didn't do it himself when he could. 
  • We then get the backstory on Dogen.  The baseball is a reminder of his son which is probably the same kid we met during Jack's Flash Sideways.  He was a business man working at a Bank in Osaka, Japan.  One day he got a promotion at work and went out with his co-workers to celebrate.   He got a little drunk and picked up his son from baseball.  There was a car accident.  He was fine, his son, not so fine.  In the hospital, a man came to him and promised that he could save his son in exchange for him coming to the Island and accepting a different job.  And he would never be able to see his son again.   The man was Jacob.  (Yikes, once again not a good PLUS for Jacob.  Why would Dogen continue to do this job if he could leave the Island now that Jacob is dead?)    Sayid says that Jacob drives a hard bargain (hmmm...wait how does Sayid know what Jacob does?).   Dogen asks if the man outside offered a similar bargain to which Sayid says yes. 


  • Dogen informs Sayid that it is sundown and asks if Sayid chooses to stay or go.  Sayid says he'd like to stay, but then takes Dogen and throws him into the spring and proceeds to drown him.  WHAAAT???  
  • Lennon runs in and sees what Sayid has done.  He tells him that Dogen was the only thing keeping Smokey out of the temple (now we know why it was a bluff but don't know why Dogen had such powers).   Sayid tells Lennon that he knows and then slices his throat.  HUHHHH????

RIP Dogen and Lennon.  Woa

  • Clearly something has taken over Sayid as we have never seen him get so much enjoyment out of killing people.  
  • I have to ask since it was in the healing spring.  Do we think Lennon and Dogen will be okay because of it?  Or because of Jacob's death the pool no longer serves a purpose? 
  • Anyway, no time to speculate on that right now.  Smokey is coming!  We hear the familiar sounds of the Smoke and then we see it come and wreak havoc on anyone that remained in the Temple. 

  • Kate grabs Miles and tells him they need to run.  (well duh, that's what Kate does best!)   They do begin running but then Kate realizes she has to get Claire before she can leave. Oh boy, we knew that was coming!  
  • Miles continues on without Kate and tries to hold a door closed.  When it breaks down we realize it's Ilana, Frank, Sun and Ben to the rescue!  Miles is all confused, and Frank says that they'll catch up later (but in a cool funny way that only Lapidus can pull off!)  

  • Ben offers to go get Sayid.  When he does he sees there is no saving him.  He tells Sayid there is still time.  Sayid smiles back "Not for me!"   Sayid is clearly possessed by something.  Considering how much history Ben and Sayid have, it was probably smart for Ben to flee for his life! 

  • Kate goes after Claire and when she gets there Claire will not budge in her hole.  She says it's safer to stay down there.  Just as she's saying it Smokey comes rampaging through.  Kate flips into the hole and is hanging right underneath Smokey.  NICE! 

  • Back with Ilana and crew Miles asks Sun where Jin is.  Naturally, this is the first time Sun has actually been able to confirm Jin is still alive.   Of course, we don't know what condition he'll be in if the 2 reunite any time soon. 
(Well at least Sun was in the episode with her name in the title!) 

  • Ilana finds the secret passageway that Hurley took Jack through in last week's episode.  She gets the crew sans Kate and Crazy Claire in into the passage. 
  • Then, there is the aftermath.  Remember all of those musical slow motion montages that we got earlier in the series with people eating or just enjoying each other's company?   Well, we got one in this episode but it just dealt with Kate and the Crazies leaving the temple.  Kate grabbed a gun.  Claire and Sayid are all smiles.  They walk over a bunch of dead bodies.  And outside the temple, Flocke and the Others are waiting.   (Note: Song was yet another creepy version of "Catch a Falling Star".)

  • Flocke nods in approval of Claire and Sayid.   Kate looks absolutely shocked to even see John Locke walking around. 

  • Flocke then begins to walk, and Sayid (smiling), Claire, Cindy, the Kids and all of the others are all following behind.   And it looks like Kate is the only one alarmed by the scene going on.  

And thus my friends...we have reached the inevitable....


Wow, I have no more words to describe what is going on.  But, what's up with all of the possessed people following Flocke?  How would they possibly turn the tables on us and tell us that the Man In Black is actually "THE GOOD GUY" that we will be rooting for by the end of the series?  I know they didn't suggest that at all, but they did say not to assume he's bad.  Yes, we could have one of those ambiguous tales where both Jacob and MIB have both good and bad sides to them.   But we want all of our LOSTIES on one side by the end of the show fighting for a cause that benefits them or the universe the most right?   We want the Heroes to triumph over the Villains right?   Why else would we have invested so much time in a show that ends in a stalemate?   And, I leave you with that to speculate over in the comments!   What did eveyone think of tonight's episode?   Naturally, I loved it once again but I cannot ignore the crazy weird path that the show is taking right now.   If it's a means to the end, which I'm confident it is, I'm all on board! 

Hope you enjoyed my ramblings as always and I'll see you next week!  NAMASTE! 

Ending Credits
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Anonymous said...

Wow comment-tastic again Mike! As usual I have to avoid this place until Lost airs here on a Friday, the discussion that builds up is always good. I have to confess to sometimes reading the first paragraph of your blog as a teaser!

Apologies if this has been mentioned before but does anyone think Locke may have been possessed (like Sayid and Claire) for longer than from when he became Flocke. It seems he could have "died" a few times throughout the series but the one that sticks out to me is when Ben shot him in the stomach and left him in pit of deceased Dharma folk.

It's probably a stretch but he certainly acted differently after Walt visited him in the pit.

Not sure if it has any real relevance now since it is pretty clear who he is but thought I'd share as it has been nagging at me for a while.


Mike V. said...

Yeah, Matt...the comments thing is nuts! Nice on reading the first paragraph too. Usually I stay pretty spoiler free in that first paragraph, but I think I got right into things this week! So, sorry if you got spoiled at all! lol

Yeah people have definitely mentioned Locke being "possessed" before. But let's be clear...whatever is taking the form of LOCKE right now is NOT John Locke possessed. It is THE MAN IN BLACK. John Locke is dead and buried on Boone Hill. But people can go back as far as season 1 and note some weird moments with JL where he could have been possessed by ol' Smokey. I'm choosing to think that he was never possessed...just guided to do things by the forces (possibly both jacob and MIB0 on the Island.

But since everyone is throwing crazy theories out there...let me throw one out there that has maybe 1% chance of being true! What if somehow...the GHOSTS on the Island and OFF of the Island are actually the SIDEWAYS versions of our characters? Maybe they are enlightened and are guiding their former selves down certain paths to get to their eventual goal.

yeah I know it makes sense. But certain comments like from Charlie "I am dead...but I'm also here"....or Ana Lucia telling Hurley what to do and then "Libby says 'Hey'" And of course Jacob's confidence in death that he would still be around to guide things towards his ultimate just has me thinking that there has to be some kind of "LOGICAL" explanation for these ghosts. And yes...saying they are the sideways versions of the characters is NOT LOGICAL! lol And I've always thought the ghost thing needed to be explained on LOST. Of course..if it WAS the sideways characters...those characters would have to become "ENLIGHTENED" about the Island to be able to guide their Island selves in the right path. Right now...they are just living their lives with only hints of the Island being tied to them in a former/future/parallel existence LOL Just trying to think outside the box. I don't think this makes sense at all...but maybe some of our analytical minds can add to this concept and make sense of it! LOL Go to town!

Mike V. said...

whoops...i meant "yeah i know it makes NO sense" minor typo! :-)

Weasel said...

I found this blog sometime during season 2, but did not actually post a comment until episode 20 of season 3 (The Man Behind the Curtain).

David Salako said...

@ Glenn R. - I probably have no idea what I am about but Sawyer's statement of "what's done is done" and Faraday's/Miles' statements of "whatever happened, happened" seem sort of correct but also not completely accurate. There are variables that CAN change and like you proposed in your theory, perhaps the original lives of our Oceanics have been changed since "the incident" in 1977 due to time traveling Jack, Juliet and co.'s actions. Certain interactions and incidents still come into play but the results of those choices and actions and sometimes the choices in of themselves can change things or have more beneficial outcomes for the greater good.
Examples of this are Charlie's sacrificial death predicted by Des brought Penny to the island. His death in the other attempts most likely would have not resulted in this same outcome and Penny may have found another way to come to the island.

As for the time traveling white rabbit, Dr. Pierre Chang (who seems curiously absent in 2007) seemed to be very certain that the two versions of the same rabbit (original timeline and future rabbit) needed to be kept far away from each other otherwise something "bad" was going to happen? Perhaps when the new timeline Oceanics and the original timeline Oceanics trajectories somehow merge in what is possibly going to be the best LOST season/series finale ever (the war that is coming - as per Widmore?), it is going to be really something?!

On another note, I am now convinced that this new Sayid was talking about Shannon when he told MIB about the thing he loved most dying in his arms. Some funny type of memory loss seems to be at play with Claire also and Sayid's new behavior under torture and seeing himself as a "good person" is totally at odds with his original nature.

David Salako said...

MIB probably CAN bring Shannon back if he has access to her body buried on Boone least he seemed to be able to cause apparitions or whatever one wants to call them of deceased folks on the island.

I also believe that the whispers are somehow "echoes" of our LOSTIES from different times and or timelines - whatever that means LOL!

Weasel said...

So, Davidsalako got me thinking of constants... would a constant also be the same in both the "sideways" story and the original story (is everything about Penny the same)?

Oh, and I am from Illinois...

Mike V. said...

Weasel, did you have to go back and check or was it such a memorable first post that it has stuck with you? WOW...i had no idea you were reading back in season 2. Maybe there were some other people checking out the blog back then and I had no idea!

David, that would be an interesting angle if Sayid was talking about Shannon. But I just don't think they would have made such a big deal about his love for Nadia in seasons 1-6 if Shannon was the one he was talking about. Then again...what if Sideways Sayid runs into Sideways Shannon and they fall in love....then maybe the Nadia thing was a means to always lead him to Shannon. I guess we can't rule anything out with this show. And we do know Shannon died in Sayid's arms. I'm just not buying it yet! lol

yeah last year we started discussing the Whispers being the LOSTIES in different times in the same place. It could be...but why do they only come around when THE OTHERS are around? I would hope they touch on the whispers this season. But I do think that desmond seeing various visions of the future might come into play with this whole Sideways world as well as the Time Traveling that has been going on. So I agree with you there. It seems to all be in the same playing field.

12 hours left and a whole lot of 'splainin to do!! LOL

Mike V. said...

Weasel, interesting question...and I have no idea. But I would think the very existence of penny in Sideways land is questionable. Was Widmore still an Island inhabitant? When the island was submerged, was he on it? did he ever have the affair with an off-island woman? Is Daniel Faraday still in existence and the love child of Eloise and Charles?

Lots of interesting questions need answering! But I would love for CONSTANTS to come back into the picture, considering how great of an episode that was!

David Salako said...

Sometimes "the whispers" have occurred when Christian Shephard (MIB?? No idea!) appears like seconds before Michael and the "Kahana" ship exploded.
Maybe our Oceanics and some of the Others get rid of both MIB and Jacob in the end but in doing so they are now trapped in some sort of temporal flux/nexxus type thing much like "the Prophets" of Ba'jor in the StarTrek DS9 series? They can sometimes guide but not directly interfere like again Christian Shephard said to Locke in the subterranean icy Donkey Wheel chamber attached to the Orchid station?

David Salako said...

Regarding the frequent statement "dead is dead", perhaps this is so but does this necessarily preclude the transference of consciousness or memories? For example Locke is dead but MIB possesses his life experiences/memories and seems to be developing Locke's physical ailments to - tripping and falling on a weakening right leg.
A kind of loophole if you will.
There is a loophole to "whatever happened, happened", so maybe there is another one with "dead is dead" to?

Anonymous said...

From: The Sun is really hot!

Salutations Everyone:

Has anybody noticed that Kate seems to meet up with people leaving the temple, ie Jack, Hugo and Sayid. She also abruptly ended her jungle search for Claire and went back to the temple.

I suspect that Kate will have some surprises for us.


Weasel said...

Yes, Mike, I had to go back and check when I made my first post.

And yes, I started reading your blog in season 2.. but nobody else was commenting (or just a couple people toward the end of the season and the beginning of season 3) and I really had nothing to say back then... just soaking it all in!

Mike V. said...

David, good point on Shephard showing up on the freighter. There always was the first time we heard the whispers with Sayid heading back from meeting rousseau and hearing the whispers. We just assumed it was THE OTHERS then but it may not have been. yeah there is definitely something going on with Smokey and the Consciousness transfer...he definitely has all of Locke's memories and like you said...even some of his traits. I think we started to see this in season 2 when the smoke monster took "snapshots" of Eko's memories...and then later that season Locke had a dream of Yemi. Hmm first time in awhile I have associated the dreams with the smoke monster. interesting... I mentioned before...i am on board with the possibility that Jack and crew need to overthrow BOTH MIB and Jacob for the greater for the temporal nexus and stuff...well I'm not sure LOST will go "THAT SCI-FI" on us...but they may have already with a sideways timeline! LOL So anything is fair game! after all...they did bring us a season of time travel!

Sun is really hot - Yeah i did notice the Kate running into everyone and also noted in the blog her abruptness in heading back to the temple. But some commenters pointed out to be a good point that maybe after Kate's run-in with Jack and Hurley...she wanted to go back to the temple for more information on Claire (since they had seen her before and seem to know more about what's going on)....then again...Jack and Hurley took a secret exit out of the temple...and Sayid left the way they came in....would kate really run into Sayid in that direction if she hadn't gone somewhere else first? Eh...probably looking into it too much! LOL

Mike V. said...

Nice Weasel...that is crazy. yeah, most of the few people commenting in season 2 and beginning of season 3 were friends of mine who read the blog. They were finally coming out of their shell and commenting on the blog instead of in emails. Then once the ONLINE ONSLAUGHT happened, I think they got a little gunshy pressing the EXECUTE BUTTON! (or submit post button) lol

David Salako said...

Won't it be interesting to see what happens when Miles comes face to face with MIB. They seem to share similar abilities of figuring people out rather quickly and their motives and insecurities. Miles has demonstrated this ability by knowing that Michael's real name was not Kevin Johnson on the "Kahana" ship as well as somehow knowing that Charlotte had been searching for her fabled place of birth. Not to mention the weird knowing the last thoughts of dead people ability!

Mike V. said...

yeah they really haven't touched on Miles' ability to sense things about Michael and Charlotte since season 4. It would be weird if they didn't bring it up again. Of course, ironically both of those characters are now dead which factors into the MAIN "ability" of Miles. I guess it could be interesting if MIB and Miles cross paths too!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone mentioned a possible Quantum Leap-type aspect to the time travel (for those that recall that Scott Bakula show)? If Jack, Kate, Sawyer, et al. time travel on the island, why couldn't Jacob and MIB travel back from a future time? Jacob seems to know future events; eg, sitting outside Locke’s window before he was pushed out. Since this is sci-fi and time travel is in play, it might explain the non-aging characteristics, the blonde-haired boy in the woods (traveled back to remind MIB of the rules), among other things. Would you be disappointed if that was part of the conclusion – a physics lab sometime in the future that can transport individuals back in time? (Maybe they’re looking for a candidate to lead the fight against the rising up of the machines. No, wait, that’s another show.) At least some of the rules that have been mentioned may be rules that apply specifically to TT (not just "you can't kill him").

Bill [PA]

Mike V, Relative to the global nature of the internet and the global appeal of Lost, we’re practically neighbors. I saw on the Gather site that you’re in C-ville; I’m just about 15-20 mins up 422W. Just a funny little coincidence that after looking for and finding a Lost site a couple weeks ago, the only one I’m actively following is administered by someone not too far down the road.

Glenn R. said...

@davidsalako Interesting thought about Miles meeting Flocke. It led me to think of a book I read last year, where a good character was possessed/taken over by an evil character. The good character was conscious inside his own body and more or less watching himself do all these things that were evil. He was appalled, but knew he could do nothing about it, the possessing entity was too strong, and any time he tried to "pushback" on the behaviours, he was violently pushed to the back of consciousness. However, he bided his time, deciding to go along with everything so that the evil character would assume he had been broken, and then, when the evil character was least expecting it -- Strike and try and influence things in a critical moment. And of course, he did that... in a critical scene in the finale, he distracted the evil dude enough to cause his defeat.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Miles picks up on something when he meets flocke -- something which gives Jack a clue on how to defeat FlockeNess.

Oh, the speculation!

And btw, fun theory about the ghosts, Mike!

Mike V. said...

Bill that's pretty nuts!! I actually lived in Conshohocken for the majority of the LOST run (grew up in south jersey) but bought a house in c-ville after getting married last summer! Definitely a small world and very lost-like. I'm also honored that this is the only blog you're checking out.

I love quantum leap btw. Still waiting for Scott and dean to pony up and make the movie! Lol I had considered the option of time travel with Richard and Jacob and stuff. Just the fact that christian appeared to Locke in the uber past to help him spin that wheel is suspect. As for
fighting the machines terminator style, not sure if I'd be ip for that. But I might be cool with the idea of one instance of Jacob and mib who can span time and sideways stories....making all of this craziness have something to do with that weird wacky locale called the island. And Richard. I dunno. He seems to appear out of nowhere doesn't he? Remember when Sawyer asked last season where he came from? Richard said "my people said you were looking for me. Here I am" hmmmmm I think we are going to be very enlightened in a couple weeks. To avoid spoiling I won't say why but I think I gave enough clues lol

Glenn R. said...

@weasel - so you are from Illinois, eh? That's where I grew up and lived my first 25 years, outside of Chicago.

David Salako said...

Does anyone on here know WHEN the Ajira 316 flight crash landed on the Hydra island i.e. what the date was?
Or what date it took off from Los Angeles?
Night turned into day after the white flash on the flight so who knows WHEN the island is at this point??
Won't it be strange back in L.A. when the public heres that the Oceanic 6 have disappeared on yet another flight over the Pacific?

Mike V. said...

David I don't think we got an exact date but it was some time in December 2007 or January 2008. But yes the night turning into day for Ajira is definitely something we should be looking at. I thought it had more to do with the location of the island (which we don't know) than time travel. Whenever the ajira crew got there it is 3 years in island time from when the donkey wheel wad turned. In other words it's present day. But that doesn't mean time works a little differently on the island. That whole scattering light thing that faraday discusses and the bearings and all of that.

Good point on the real world wondering about the ajira plane as well. I wonder if they're even planning to go there with the story. Doesn't seem like it right now. But you never know with this crazy show!

David Salako said...

Maybe it doesn't matter what the outside world thinks of the Oceanic 5 (Aaron stayed put) disappearing again and leaving to children behind because our Oceanics are going to change the timeline and future events somehow! LOL, can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

Mike V. said...

Yeah you would think that would matter! Lol I have no idea where this crazy show is going. But I can't wait for tomorrow either!

mary said...

Wow a LOST encyclopedia! that sounds amazing,I want one! I'm sure if I got one my friends would think that I am even more of a LOST dork,lol. At my school there is just not enough losties! They just dont understand!

My theory is that (kinda already been said, but I thought I would just say it anyways) the losties will see that both Jacob and MIB are evil in their own ways and that they are just using everybody as a pawn for their "game", either a bet of some sort or getting back at each other, and they will team up with each other to go against both MIB and Jacob. Although I also want Jacob to be the "good" guy, lol. (idk if that made sense, it did in my head)also, Mike, I like your ghost theory, I guess we will just have to be patient and see what happens!

and just btw for glenn r. (is that who was wondering about the posters?) I have been reading since the beginning of last season (read it once and couldnt stop readin,lol) but I usually just post under anonymous(haha I think I screwed up the spelling for that). and I just thought I would add, that I live in IDAHO! If you know where tht is!lol noone seems too.... they always think of Iowa, lol. anybody else from there?

Weasel said...

I was reading an story about an interview with Emmitt Smith and the writer definitely watches LOST... had to share this paragraph:

"I don't think Dan Snyder is a very good owner, but I have no idea of his capacity for compassion. Can he run a franchise into the ground? Yes. Is he evil incarnate? Is he the smoke monster? I don't know."


Weasel said...

Idaho, isn't that where they grow potatoes j/k ;P

About the actual Ajira crash date, but there is a possibility that they only think they crashed in 2007...

I cannot wait until tomorrow. BOOM! ... Darn, did not work

@Glenn R. - I actually live in the Quad Cities (border of IA and IL on the Mississippi - on the south side of Iowa's "hump"). I actually live in IL and work in IA.

Mike V. said...

Damn you stole my potato comment! Lol

I think the show made it pretty clear with their "30 years earlier" and "30 years later" comments that it was present day on the island. I think darlton and the enhanced episodes mentioned it too. But who knows?? If we find out something about the island that transcends time space and reality it might not matter when it is!! Lol

Glenn i'm glad you asked about the history of the blog commenters here. It's nice to get to know everyone a bit!! get your encyclopedia! Don't let those bullies talk you out of it! Lol I'll have it on display wherever the wife let's me put it. But there is always "under the bed" of you don't want people to know! Lol

Mike V. said...

Nice on the interview too weasel! Good times lol

Mike V. said...

interview with darlton. We are asking the right questions! Lol

mary said...

yes, we are the potat state!lol. Although, I don't think I have ever seen a potato farm around where I live.

I would never let them talk me out of anything LOST! lol. and plus, I would have my few friends who do love LOST too who would think its amazing and maybe even get there own. I probably won't hide it "under the bed", I will probably end up bragging to my friends that don't even like LOST,lol.

mary said...

*potato, lol, but you probably got what I meant

Peter said...

Long shot Mike, but reckon we'll get any kind of back story to Cindy and the kids !? Just re watching season 3 at d mo, the bit where they come to look at Jack in the cage is really a "what the hell" moment..

Mike V. said...

Nice Mary! You can only imagine how some people look at me when I tell them I write a blog about lost lol but I have no shame!

Peter I don't know if we will or not but I am with you. I have always thought there was something strange about Cindy like maybe she was always with the others. Maybe she was a plant on the plane. We may not get a centric story or anything but some information would be nice!

If not I'm sure her full story will be in the encyclopedia!! Lol

Mike V. said...

Ew's totally lost is up! Doc jensen to follow. I love my Tuesday ritual!!

Mike V. said...

Okay...actual links! lol

Totally Lost

Doc Jensen

Mike V. said...

Hmm...jack bender says there is stuff in the heiroglyphics at the temple....I was way too lazy to decipher all of that! LOL Guess I need to do some research.

Interesting on Doc and Dan's speculation on the stabbing actually doing something to Flocke...maybe Dogen did need Sayid to stab him and set things in motion. We'll see!

The next episode clues are interesting as always!

Mike V. said...

Doc translates some of the glyphs as "Resurrection is the Answer" at the end of Totally LOST.

Ahhh these LOST writers with their Dead is Dead and reverse puns! My vote is just to keep watching and see what they have in store than to harp on the glyphs!

Glenn R. said...

Here's a couple of screenshots I came across on someone's site that I thought were worth checking out...

Here's the best view of what Kate saw in the smoke above her as she was dangling in Claire's pit:

And here: Did Jacob put something in the water when Hurley met up with him in the temple?

Glenn R. said...

I'm very intrigued by what Jacob might have put in the water of the pool. Could it have an impact on what happens to Dead Dogen, for example?

Mike V. said...

Glenn, I think you posted the same picture of Jacob twice and not the smokey pic!

Btw...i really think Jacob was "inspecting" the pool and not putting anything in it. And maybe that's how he knew Smokey was coming to the temple and he needed to get Hurley and Jack out. But who knows??

Jenn said...

I have been reading this blog since pretty early on. It might have been as early as Season 2, but I know that I was definitely reading during Season 3. This show was just so complex and Mike helped put everything into perspective. I live in Central NJ and was so excited when they turned ABC back on Sunday night! I thought that I was going to have to watch Lost online on Wednesday.

Mike V. said...

Thanks Jenn! Too much credit for me again I think, but I'll accept it lol

As for the Cablevision nightmare, I'm glad that got resolved...who actually PULLS one of the networks from their lineup? That's ridonk. Damon even tweeted a couple days ago that they would tell Cablevision what the Island is if they would just give the people their ABC back. LOL ahhh good times!

mary said...

Yay!!! It's on tonight! Just two more hours!!! I think I can make it, lol

Pharmer said...

Is sideways Locke Flocke? He really seemed to be playing Linus in the teacher's lounge. Is Sideways world Flocke after he found his way off the island? Will sideways Jackob find a way to bring him back to the island? (not a typo)

LostFamily said...

Wow, another piece to the puzzle. Definitely weird the way Flocke looked at Kate at the end. And where DID Ben go? And where's Richard for that matter? Excellent recap as usual and yes, the blog is now taking days to read Mike! Interesting to see what happens when Jack and Hurley find out what went down - Hurley's got to ask the questions that we the audience are asking so we can get some answers? "Dude, what happened to Claire and Sayid?" LOL

Mike V. said...

Ahh you're back LOST FAMILY! I thought you disappeared! lol j/k Glad to see you're sticking to the "slow" approach to season 6. hopefully it's not frustrating you too much.

All the questions you ask will be answered in time! :-) Keep on trucking!

And of course...don't forget to check out if you're watching The Event, Fringe or just an overall TV Lover! lol

Miles Balzard said...

Haha, Mike, after you mentioning the presence of a mirror in every sideways story, the FIRST thing I noticed when this episode opened was Sayid seeing his reflection in Nadia's door! But it took a commenter to remind you that it was there! Indeed, I think you were right about the reflections meaning something, or at least being a theme in the sideways universe.

I love Sayid and all his bad-assery, so I knew his sideways story would have some of that, but I didn't realize that his encounter with Dogen would be much more bad ass than what we saw stateside. Their knock-down drag-out was pretty awesome. For some reason I was rooting for Dogen, probably because I knew it wouldn't matter much who actually won the fight (it took place so early in the episode). I guess I just wanted to see the little Japanese man go all Samurai on the almost-as-little Iraqi. I must say I did notice the difference between the stunt man for Sayid and Sayid, and you can even see the stunt man's face pretty good for a fraction of a second.

Miles saying Sayid was actually dead for two hours: If anyone would know, it would be Miles. Let's face it, Mike, dead is not dead on Lost. I told you those producers are liars!

The new, crazy Claire will never be a bad ass like Kate or Juliet, but she has become utterly fearless. I always give points to people who are so confident in their righteousness that they display no fear (Ben used to be like that, and the MiB is now). Claire was suitably creepy throughout the episode, which is beginning to win me over. But somebody give the girl a hair brush!

Dogen's mission to have Sayid kill the MiB: Best scene of the episode is when the MiB pulls the knife out of his chest and asks Sayid, "Now why'd you go and do that?" But I do have to agree with the people who said Flocke was able to speak before Sayid plunged the knife, violating what Dogen told Sayid to do. And I don't think Dogen sent Sayid out there just to get killed. Dogen would prefer the MiB was dead 1,000 times more than Sayid was dead, but his plan, for whatever reason, didn't work.

Smokey invading the temple and killing everyone but Claire, Kate and Sayid (plus Ben, Ilana and her minions hiding behind the wall) was a super cool massacre. Am I finally jaded enough to enjoy all these killings? I guess I am when it involves a smoke monster!

But to your bigger questions, Mike: "But we want all of our LOSTIES on one side by the end of the show fighting for a cause that benefits them or the universe the most right? We want the Heroes to triumph over the Villains right?" No to the former but yes to the latter. I don't want all of our Losties to end up being good people and fighting for the good, because not all people are good and the show should reflect that. But I do want the heroes to triumph over the villains.

The problem for me is what I said in my previous comment; there are gray areas all over the place in this show. A huge quantity of "justified" murders. Armed robberies that don't steal any money. Sympathetic adultery. Evil people doing acts of kindness. Kind people doing acts of evil. And of course, stupid smart people (Jack! Just kidding Mike!). And finally, it comes down to the Man in Black and the flip side of his coin, Jacob. One is a darker shade of gray and the other a lighter one. Depending on who YOU ARE, one is superior to the other.

Miles Balzard said...

P.S.: I've been skimming lightly (or mostly skipping) over the comments since they are growing so fast in volume. I know from experience there is a ton of good stuff in them (including from you), but I'm kind of racing to the finish line now. Someday I'll go back and peruse them for golden nuggets and like-minded thinkers, but at this point I probably won't read them too much until the last 2 or 3 episodes.

I'm not absolutely committed to finishing the series this weekend, but I can't help it if I can't stop! At some point I'm bound to drop from exhaustion, and if I can time it right it'll be with five or six episodes left in the series, so I can enjoy those last few with a fresh brain. But knowing how obsessed I am with the show, I'll probably plow through right to finale. I've been through this before and I can be tireless and persistent when it comes to binge-watching.

But please don't feel obligated to respond to every comment I make right away! After "The End" I'm sure we can have a little back and forth about the whole series and the finale. Plus I'll be sure to read and comment on your "After The End" blog posts as well. All of that should be fun!

One more thought: I generally cede to your expertise on the show. You've watched it multiple times and have a much better understanding of it from beginning to end. I'm just rattling off my thoughts in a very wordy manner right after each episode. I might change my opinions on some things after I rewatch the series. I'll certainly be able to make better guesses on what's going to happen!

And Jack. Our dear Jack. You said a lot of people didn't like him either, and obviously I understand why. It is easy to find rooting interests amongst a great ensemble cast who aren't the "designated hero" character. But despite me ranting on him on occasion, I do recognize the good and heroic things he's done and the valiant efforts he's made, and how deeply it hurts him when he doesn't succeed (poor Boone). There's good reason that so many characters trust him and look up to him, even after they discover he is flawed like the rest of them. He has a good heart, and you can't ask for much more than that.

I agree that Jack is a great character. So are Ben, Locke, Sawyer, Kate and on and on. They are all strong, well-written, complex characters and they made the show what it is. I'm rooting for Jack as much as Kate was when she told him in the last episode, "I hope you find what you're looking for." Just remember that breaking a mirror is bad luck.

Mike V. said...

Yep, the mirrors/reflections were definitely meant for some kind of symbology. Or just there to make us overthink things! lol Either way, it definitely was intentional!

I'd still say Dead is Dead on LOST. They proved that with Locke. But, I still scratch my head on the Sayid thing. I guess they wanted us to think for 5 seasons that the stakes were real and people couldn't just resurrect from the dead. But, in Sayid's case, he truly was dead. So, maybe the man in black figured out something that no one else ever could. I'd comment further but you need to see more episodes. lol

I think by now you for sure have seen the squirrel baby, right? That thing may have been the creepiest thing ever on LOST. lol

Flocke was able to speak...and there may be things coming in future episodes that can help that theory. But, I think it was more a figure of speech saying if he can talk, he will be able to convince you to do his bidding.

Good vs. Evil on this show is pretty ambiguous, I'll agree. My point was more the latter...we want our heroes to band together to triumph over their foes. Which in a more traditional sense would be good triumphing over evil.

Everyone on the show including the 2 "deities" per say...are flawed people (which you may learn more about this season)....but as long as our heroes are fighting for something worth fighting for in the end, then maybe that's something worth rooting for as well.

Totally understood on the comments, Miles. There's a lot of them. And the comments were at such a high volume the night the finale aired, I had to post an intermediary post just to catch them all. (so be careful of the final comments on the penultimate episode. There may be some spoilers there. lol)

I hear you on binge watching. I'm the same way. When I get sucked into a show, I just can't stop!

As for commenting. I don't feel obligated, I'm actually just excited to hear your progress through the show. I've been tempted to watch a few of the episodes you have been on out of fond memories for the show. Of course, I know if I watch just one, I'll get sucked right back into watch the rest! lol So, I've resisted the urge. Instead, I've continued on my ALIAS binge (JJ's precursor to LOST, pre Damon Lindelof lol....great show though!).

After The End posts were a good time. And like I mentioned, there were the REWATCH discussions we had on the TV Addicts Blog. But like I mentioned, it might be tough to sift through. But, might be interesting to read anyway!

LOL...I would hope you could make better guesses AFTER you've seen everything! No, I know you're just theorizing on stuff. That was part of the fun of LOST, so I'm glad you're able to do that before knowing what's really going on. Though, I will say, you do have a very good grasp on the show and a lot of your theories haven't been too far off...if not dead on. So, I'll say I'm pretty impressed! You do have the benefit of "not a lot of time" to overthink things. So, I wonder if I would have picked up on some of the stuff by binge watching the first time around.

Well said on Jack! That's kind of what I identified with the character. He absolutely means well and is looking out for the best interests of the group. But, yes, he certainly is flawed and he's been on quite a rough journey!

Breaking a mirror - 7 years of bad luck to be exact! And he broke like 10 of them! lol Maybe he'll somehow learn to not age like Jacob and Richard and be able to get his 70 years of bad luck out of the way before solving other big issues! :-) lol

aly said...

omg what's going on?? This is getting so crazy intense!

The LIGHTNESS from the previous episode. Didn't the turning of it remind you a bit of the FROZEN DONKEY WHEEL? Maybe I'm totally off base but maybe Juliet blowing everything up "worked" and the donkey wheel is no longer frozen and is actually the wheel on the lighthouse? Perhaps you could've actually gotten off the island that way? Oh I don't know.

Sayid made me so angry last season, I thought he was nothing but a killer and in my eyes, he was irredeemable. Not as irredeemable as Walter White (before season 5, on my first watch, I was always rooting for him but at one point or another I sympathized with or was annoyed with all characters. On my second watch before season 5, after the Jane incident season 2, I just found him utterly irredeemable and I blame him for ruining Jesse's life. ANYWAY total tangent!). This episode just cements for me how irredeemable Sayid is.

Why is Ben all of a sudden against MIB when he was on his side not that long ago? How come Ben isn't claimed? I need more Ben! I hope the next episode DR LINUS is all about him.

Is it possible the island is keeping MIB trapped as a form of punishment? MIB was supposed to find redemption on the island somehow but never did? Oh I don't know.

I read in one of the comments here a theory that this flash sideways world takes place in a world where Jacob never interfered. Now THAT was interesting! I can see that too. Then again I keep thinking of the destiny/free will themes and there's so much I can't quite figure out.

Was going through a rough time recently and was unable to bring myself to watch anything as I wasn't in the mood, but hopefully I can use LOST as an escape and feel better. A lot going on for me right now. I may end up plowing through the rest of the show or I may end up leaving it for a while until I feel better. But anyway thanks for always replying back!

And I'm seeing now that the comments are from 2010 so it wasn't THAT long ago anymore lol!

Maybe MIB/Smokey is just trying to get back to HELL and in order to do so, he must kill everyone. ;) Kidding.

Leta said...

I can't even find time to comment as I go through season 6! I just watch an episode, read your recap and then turn on another one. I also have no idea what's going on, to the point that I just have a lot of questions and not anything much to say besides that. And to think I thought the last season would be less confusing, as we're finally getting some answers!

Zombie season, indeed. All these "dead" people walking around like nothing happened. I wonder will we ever find out whether Claire was dead for a while before becoming "claimed", like Sayid. The two of them seemed relatively normal at the start of the episode, so I was beginning to question Dogen's claims... But the ending definitely proved that something's not right with them.

I just wanted to mention that the end scene where Kate, Claire and Sayid walk across the courtyard, with the bodies strewn around, the fires burning and that creepy song playing in the background, was one of the best things I've seen on Lost. Absolutely chilling, but so beautifully done.

I'm rooting for Jacob being the good guy now, because I love his scenes with Hurley and because, like you said, after this episode I have no idea how they'd manage to make MIB come out as the righteous one at the end.

Mike V. said...

Hi Leta! I said I'd catch up on these comments but of course you're further along now so there's not much to say. But yeah that creepy scene at the end of this episode was pretty awesome! And Claire's "Catch a Falling Star - Creepy Edition" playing in the background....very nice touch.

I think "Claimed" is another word for what Rousseau would've considered "infected"....Smokey can be manipulative and change the person who they were. So, I'm gonna say Claire is still doubts about that. Sayid??? I'm not really sure what to say about that.

Lesley Anne Brown said...

I haven't read the comments on this weeks yet but wanted to get this off my chest. My husband who rarely stays awake watching TV because it bores him so much has accompanied me throughout the journey this time and until these last two episodes was totally on board with it. First of all I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes but for him it was too much. He has no clue what is going on or where it's going(neither did we but hey!) and said that if he had been watching this when it was first out and had to wait a week for the next episode he would have quit watching after this episode. It's interesting how us Losties view it so differently to the casual viewer. Anyway hopefully the next episode will re-engage him.

Mike V. said...

I remember a lot of people being down on the first few episodes of season 6. It was tough because everyone knew the end was coming and it seemed like no progress was being made at marching towards any sort of conclusion. They opted to tell new stories in season 6. But it all does go somewhere. But everyone was so committed to watching to the end back in 2010 that I don't think people would've quit. There was so much discussion in between each episode to keep people engaged. (on internet and even anywhere you go where friends had watched)

But yeah...things will pick up! It'll be interesting to see how he reacts to how it wraps up! :)

Simon Sandiford said...

Good morning Mike... Feels like I have spent days reading the blog and comments, and that's probably because it has been days... Not complaining as it is great to see all the things that flew over my head explained!

Couple of comments from me:

This thing about the ash and Flocke sending Claire in... But why doesn't he ask Claire to break the Ash and go in himself? But later at sundown he did cross the ash (or maybe I just thought he did?) or is tha it expires now that Jacob is dead?

Also we had no progress with Jacob, Hurley and Jack this episode so presumably Jack is still staring into the sea pondering his next move.

Back in 2010 I started working for a company that I only just moved on from... And one thing that I thought was weird was everyone seemed to be playing a weird game... Basically if you heard mention of the game then you automatically "Lost". I never understood what was going on and why everyone was 'playing"... People would try to get others "out" by provoking someone else to discuss something involving "the game"... I expect this doesn't make much sense... But I wonder if this was caused by Lost as it was happening just while season 6 was being aired (unbeknownst to me) and these were all nerdy Lost fans (and they were all nerds, not that there is anything wrong with that, but just to set the context). I never did ask them what it was all about.

Anyway, about to start work in 30 mins so the next episode will have to wait about 12 hours.

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